Searching and selecting the right employees are key factors for your company’s success. We support you in active sourcing or targeted search strategies and adapt this to your corporate strategy and culture. The design of the advertisements is just as much a matter of concern to us as the conduct of multi-stage selection Interviews.
Human Resources Strategy
You would like to further develop your human resource strategy or create a completely new one? This strategy forms the basis for your HR tools and employer branding. Our experts will be happy to advise you on this!
Human Resources Organisation
“Structure follows Strategy”, as already said by Alfred Chandler. Our senior experts support you in matters of HR structure and process organization.
Employee surveys and satisfaction assessments
Well-founded surveys of employees’ views, perceptions and suggestions are an essential basis for the further development of your HR strategy. We offer the corresponding scientific and experience-based expertise.
Generation Y and Z have distinctive ideas about work-life balance. It is therefore becoming increasingly difficult for companies to recruit skilled workers the conventional way. We deal extensively with the needs and requirements of the new ways of working and advise businesses on how to redefine their work setting.
Special human resource projects
Now and then, there is not enough time and human capital to carry out an important project or the project is so new, that there is no service provider for it. In these cases, we assist you in outsourcing such projects.
Human Capital Scan
You want to buy another company or sell your own business? A valuation based on the balance sheet and key business figures is not enough. We evaluate your human capital or that of the company to be acquired.
Coaching of specialists and managers at all levels is becoming increasingly important. Work environments are changing in terms of values and work organization. This increases the demand on leadership of employees and teams.
Management- Self Diagnostics
With our range of aptitude and management diagnostics, we accompany the appointment decision for management positions and the further development of managers at all management levels.